Our story

Harlmen began in 1975 after veterinarian, Jim Harless, had observed for years that some pharmaceutical pet products were not always performing as pet owners had hoped. He began to do read and publish research on medical discoveries such as what we now know as the “blood-brain barrier” which is important for medicine and supplements to be effective.

Jim began marketing his products to veterinarians. As more products were introduced, our clients began to be more and more pet owners thanks to word of mouth of the effectiveness of our products. As a matter of fact, very few of our sales have been through internet sales. Our customers have implored us to help them get the word out about our effective pet products and that is how you were able to find us online today.

We appreciate our existing and new customers and can’t wait to serve your pet! If you have any questions about our products or have a success story to share, please reach out! We can’t wait to serve you!

Elderly man with glasses and a plaid shirt holding a French Bulldog against a green background.
Blue paw print pattern on a black background, arranged diagonally.